Monday, October 29

Breakfast Champion 2 "A Lady in the Street but a Freak...In My Shed"

A year ago on Halloween the world was introduced to one of the most frightening personas in the history of Pop music--Breakfast Champion.  Armed with sexy beats, sharp guitar riffs, and the voice of a predator, BFC stole our hearts and cooked them right in front of us.  The idea of horror-pop isn't new, but never before had we heard it played with such conviction, as if the criminal acts played out in the lyrics weren't just fiction.  With the added bonus of visuals from Tobe Hooper's underrated slasher flick The Funhouse, "Why Don't You Stay the Night So I Can Have You for Breakfast"became a game changer.  

This year Breakfast Champion gives us twice the horror as last year's installment.  "A Lady in the Street but a Freak...In My Shed" cuts us deeper with more sex and more violence, and balances the frights with catchier choruses and more streamlined production.  The music once again takes us to an imaginary place where John Carpenter is the biggest pop star in the world and his band consists of members from the Bad Seeds and the Cure.  Strung together like a horror movie soundtrack, the songs complement the music video swimmingly, a combination of images from the 80's films The Prowler and Demons.  Stick around for the whole thing and you'll be telling yourself that you've just seen the best 30-minute music video since the Dirty Projectors released "Hi Custodian" earlier this year.  But it's better than that.  With ALITSBAFIMS Breakfast Champion have made something that instantly screams CULT CLASSIC.  Doing that is no easy feat, but yet again BFC has proven that the best way to reach fans is to go straight for the heart.

                                             --Ronnie Bevins, PENguin Magazine

Watch the video below:

Listen to the songs individually below: