Sunday, March 4

Baby's "Hold On Love"

Following the success of Baby's "Curious" dream-pop comeback, the band returns with their second single "Hold On Love".  Ronnie Bevins of PENguin Magazine says:

"Baby's continue to amaze with their shimmering guitar and hushed vocals.  If these couple of songs point to the final product of Make Us Dream, then the music world might have found their EPOY (EP of the year) early this year.  'Hold On Love' is more of the same from this band: beautiful hooks drawn out over many minutes that sit with you for days and keep you returning to their blog to play it again (and again).  These young Birmingham boys are really on a roll and I love watching 'em (and listening to 'em)." 
                                          *****1/4* (out of 6*'s)